Friday, May 27, 2011

A perfectly acceptable week

I got out of work early today and spent 3 hours reading QC and eating cherries. I could have spent that time drafting, but I didn't because this week was perfectly acceptable as it was.

I didn't write on Tuesday because of girlfriend things, but Monday I hit about 700 words, and about 500 on Wednesday and Thursday. The Sharza's crew is getting ready to meet their first Wizard, and are none too happy about it. I'm not quite at my 2000 word quota, but I'm right about where I want to be in terms of plot.

I have spent some time this week hoping that someday I'll have time to kick 2000 words per DAY instead of per week, but for now I'll take what I can get.

Regarding Battlesongs, both of my local commissions for cover art fell through, and a possible third isn't available for another month, so it looks like I'll be sourcing from a place online. Unfortunate, but the timeline waits for no one.

Training is finally getting on track now that the weather is getting nicer. I tied my PR on squats yesterday and sprints didn't kill me on Wednesday. Missed deadlift day on Monday because Little Sister came to visit, but with squats being as strong as they were, I'm pretty confident about hitting a PR on deads on Memorial Day.

Some more thoughts about drafting:

A significant portion of the words I did this week were summaries of scenes rather than complete scenes themselves. If I hadn't done this exact same thing for Battlesongs, I'd worry that I was copping out, writing a summary of a book rather than writing a book. But I remember that this is a DRAFT. There's a reason no one gets to read what I write until after the second edit at the earliest. I need CONTENT right now. I need ideas; I need a plot, and I need a general idea of what goes where. It doesn't have to be elegant, it doesn't have to be polished, it doesn't even have to be an actual narrative. It just needs to BE right now. If I can see a scene well, sure, I'll write it properly, but I can't wait to see fully formed scenes before I write them. Pictures look better if you have a frame in which to hang them, and I'm still measuring the angles on the frame.

Now, it is time for a weekend of bourbon, Rift, and Terry Pratchett. Onward!

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