Sunday, January 29, 2012

BSOH review and the end of a draft

New review of BSOH up at The Groove in Every Road. Four out of five stars ain't bad.

Also, I finished the first draft of The Nomad Wilds today after a marathon drafting session this weekend. Like all of my first drafts, there is a lot of work to do before this book can see the light of day, but it is in better shape than the first draft of BSOH was. Which ain't sayin' much, but it's a start.

If all goes according to plan, I hope to have Nomads out late this year or early next year. For now, I'm going to read and play video games and hang out with Girlfriend like a normal person for a week, and then I'll start working on getting some of my short stories published.

And maybe, just maybe, now that I'm done drafting I can start posting here more than once a month. Maybe since I'm going to pretend to be a normal person this week, I can talk about the Superb Owl in my next post, or hockey, or some other such nonsense. We shall see.


Wednesday, January 11, 2012


I promised myself I would spend 2012 editing, publishing, and promoting the 2 novels and half dozen short stories I have written. But we're more than a week in, and I'm still not done drafting The Nomad Wilds. And I'm looking at another couple of weeks before it's done too.

So rather than keeping my head down, I'm doing quite literally the easiest promotion I can think of.

BSOH is now $0.99 on all outlets, instead of $3.99.

I plan on leaving the price low until I finish drafting, in the interest of science. I'm curious to see how it does at the lower price point without any other variables. Once I start putting out the shorts in the next couple of months, I may hike it back up. Again, for science.

Also, I'm in talks about getting an audio version made sometime in the near-mid future. Keep an ear out.